Datenschutzbehörde  Datenschutz Europa privacy service
2024/12/14 Who is ARGE DATEN?
The society registered in Austria is examining the interaction between the usage of computer science, information law and society. The society is a non profit making non governmental organization.


ARGE DATEN is Austria’s leading privacy organisation. The society is committed to the protection of personal data and privacy in the age of global communication.
The organization wants to achieve that information technology and telecommunication are used in a human way with social responsibility and under protection of privacy. Information is provided to achieve these aims. ARGE DATEN´s effort is to have a close cooperation with research institutions, universities, the industry and related authorities.

We believe that effective privacy rights are the best guarantee for meaningful and beneficial spread of information technologies. We are glad that passing the "Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data" has absolutely confirmed our point of view.

ARGE DATEN Privacy Austria was founded in 1983 as a working group and was registered as association under Austrian law in 1991. It is a non profit making and non governmental politically independent membership corporation. ARGE DATEN has about 700 members mostly companies and other organisations (public authorities, universities, NGOs).

Member Benefits

- members have unlimited access to our online information-service and our complete privacy-archive.
- members get free counceling in privacy and data protection issues.
- members are insured against privacy violations
- members get free certificates for their digitale signature.
- members get discount on events and seminars organised by ARGE DATEN.

Becoming a Member
ARGE DATEN is an open society. Everyone can become a member of ARGE DATEN.
There is a private membership and a membership for organizations.
A member with a private membership can use our services and facilities for EUR 40,--/year. Within the membership of an organization any employee and member of this organization can use our services and facilities. (Costs: starting at EUR 90,--/year, depending on the size of the organisation). - for more information please contact

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